Urban Farms – Eat Fresh

Farming the Suburbs …….. Transition Streets 3.21 There are plenty of examples of households making their garden productive and plentiful ……   but not everyone has the space or ability to grow their own food. Joining a Community Garden is one option, but another is to be part of an Urban Farm ( see below ) One interesting example is … Read More

Global Footprint Quizzes

Online Ecological Footprint

Discover where you stand …….. Transition Streets 1.3 A quick online quiz from Transition Australia ( click the answers to estimate your Earth load ) Or download an Excel version of the My Ecological Footprint worksheet from the Transition Streets online course guide. The Earth-Global Hectares concept used in the Excel worksheet can be a bit technical – but one idea … Read More

Keeping Food Waste Out of Landfill

Local Councils push to keep food waste out of landfill . Victorians wasted 2.4 million tonnes of food last year according to Sustainability Victorla. Councils stretching from the South Australian border to Bendigo have combined to search for the ultimate answer to one of Victoria’s greatest recycling challenges – how to stop thousands of tonnes of food waste going to … Read More

Food Relief at Home – The Big and Small

COVID has magnified food stress – but we are stepping up. Across Australia, individuals, small groups, cafes & restaurants, and businesses, are stepping up their support for people facing hunger and food stress. Foodbank – one of our largest funded, charity food relief organisation details the growth in demand in their National 2020 Report. They also explore the cross generational … Read More

Tracking the 2020 Surge in Methane Levels

Despite the pandemic, 2020 saw the biggest one-year jump in atmospheric methane concentrations on record – BBC Future Planet Report “Nearly half of the roughly 380 million metric tonnes of methane released by human activities annually could be cut this decade with available and largely cost-effective methods, according to the UN assessment. Doing so would stave off nearly 0.3C of … Read More

Transition Around The World

We Are Not Alone…!!! Just check out the Transition Town groups and National Hubs!! The map is a bit out of date – so if your group is missing – log in and add it. And add the Transition Network Blog and News to your regular check ins. Tom Danby, Moonee Valley Sustainability, 2021

Creating an Organic Farming Co-op

Turning an old orchard into a thriving co-operative farm Faced with retiring and selling up their productive apple, pear, and stone fruit orchard in mid North-East Victoria, Hugh and Katie Finlay created a legal co-operative entity that allows individual farming businesses to share the expenses and collectively lease the land. The co-op currently includes – a productive vegetable supply business; … Read More

Permabee – Video Archive

Learn how to do it…with the help of this community of gardeners? PermaBee   19 videos on all aspccts of regenerative agriculture The official playlist for workshops run through the PermaBee program at the Randwick Sustainability Hub. The PermaBee program provides the public with the opportunity to get involved in an active community of gardeners and food producers interested in regenerative … Read More

Deep Dive into Plastic Free Takeaway

Boomerang Alliance – Plastic Free Places The Boomerang Alliance, a peak community not-for-profit working on waste minimisation and recycling has produced a series of resources and informative web pages that explain the steps to achieving a plastic free takeaway service and cafe culture. Using Reusables for Takeaway during COVID-19 – Clare Sullivan, Plastic Free Byron Project Coordinator This is a … Read More

Biodegradable Plastics Explained

Biodegradable – Compostable – OXO-degradable plastics. Nearly every material will biodegrade, given enough time. But the length of the biodegradation process is highly dependent on environmental conditions including oxygen levels, humidity and temperature, and on the mechanical impacts – mixing, vibration. So just claiming that a plastic is “biodegradable” without stating conditons and time frame is totally misleading to consumers. … Read More