Volunteer with us

We are powered entirely by volunteers who are driven by the greater cause of saving the world from climate change.

If you want to help or if you have specialist skills, we would love to hear from you. We are currently looking for volunteers to help with:

  • Writing articles
  • Community engagement
  • Website administration

Write for us

We are always looking for more articles to share. Writing an article for Transition Australia is easy.

Your topic should be something which is interesting or will inspire others.

You can write about what is happening in your group or broader sustainability topics the transition community may be interested in.

Your article should:

  • be 300-400 words
  • use 2-5 pictures, including a good landscape image
  • have a short heading which uses a capital only at the beginning
  • include ‘tags’ which automatically put stories into categories.

Here are some examples of great articles on our website:

If you have an article to share or want to volunteer, get in touch using the form below.

Volunteer with us

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Ideas for articles:

  • What did you change to make your lifestyle more sustainable?
  • How did your transition group start?
  • Have you celebrated an event?
  • How have you engaged your community?
  • How did you change to sustainable transport?

Current articles

Urban Farms – Eat Fresh

Farming the Suburbs …….. Transition Streets 3.21 There are plenty of examples of households making their garden productive and plentiful ……   but not everyone has the space or ability to grow their own food. Joining a Community Garden is one option, but another is to be part of an Urban Farm ( see below ) One interesting example is … Read More

Stories of Transition online events

If you like to hear what others are doing in the face of the overwhelming challenges of our world, these online events are for you. You can watch videos of previous speakers on our YouTube channel here. We (the organising team) aim to create a relaxed, informal tone, with time for everyone to introduce themselves and to hear three inspiring … Read More

Stories of Transition

Watch recordings from the online series Stories of Transition In this series of online events we heard stories from various Transition and other related groups around Australia as we find new ways to connect with others in creating the future we wish to see. Each video below focus on a story from a group. Watch all episodes (opens in a ... Read More

Stories of Transition Nov 2022

On Monday 7 November three Transition groups shared their stories online (recorded), followed by informal discussion (not recorded) Speakers: Tim Drylie, Transition Creswick, Vic Monica Winston, Transition Streets Geelong, Vic Karen Majer, Transition Margaret River, WA A couple of themes emerged: (1) COVID and coming out of lock-down and (2) how to be sustainable in our sustainability projects. Balance. Passion. … Read More

Transition 3081: Building resilience

During 2021, with ongoing lockdowns and limitations on face-to-face gatherings, two members of Transition 3081 took advantage of a local Council program to learn skills in digital storytelling – combining the tradition of storytelling with digital technology. Here is the video Yennie Yong and Yukima Cameron created, highlighting what Transition 3081 is all about. We invite you to sit back … Read More

Global Footprint Quizzes

Discover where you stand …….. Transition Streets 1.3 A quick online quiz from Transition Australia ( click the answers to estimate your Earth load ) Or download an Excel version of the My Ecological Footprint worksheet from the Transition Streets online course guide. The Earth-Global Hectares concept used in the Excel worksheet can be a bit technical – but one idea … Read More

Transition Around The World

We Are Not Alone…!!! Just check out the Transition Town groups and National Hubs!! The map is a bit out of date – so if your group is missing – log in and add it. And add the Transition Network Blog and News to your regular check ins. Tom Danby, Moonee Valley Sustainability, 2021

Pop Up Transition??

What if we took our stories to the streets? Covid has changed how we can meet, run events, and even work in community gardens. Now this is an example from a group in the UK, but what about creating super flexible pop-up, mini festivals of information, inspiration, and connection? With a pilot funded by the Transition Network the first pop-up … Read More