Transition Streets Handbook – List of Resources

1.1 Global Transition Movement

1.2 Facilitator Guides – To Be Added

1.3 Global Footprint Quizzes

2.1 Understand Your Energy Usage

2.2 Electricity and Gas Usage Worksheets

2.3 How Many Energy Servants Do You Need

2.4 Energy – websites, books, and further resources

3.1 The Real Cost of Food

3.2 Thinking About Your Food

3.3 Seasonal Food Guides

3.4 What are Food Miles?

3.5 Pesticides in Food

3.6 What Kind of Food is That…?

3.7 Packaging and Food Waste

3.8 Help Me Recycle Plastic!!

3.9 Raw and Fresh – Safety First

3.10 Long Life Foods

3.11 Ready To Eat Additives?

3.12 Can I Compost This?

3.13 Everything Gets Eaten

3.14 Efficient Cooking

3.15 Free Food

3.16 Sustainable Seafoods

3.17 Shop Local – Shop Fresh

3.18 Open Food Network

3.19 Suburban Bush Tucker

3.20 Are We Eating Water?

4.1 Reading Your Water Bill ( coming )

4.2 How Much Water DoYou Use?

4.3 Water in Your Home

4.4 Grey Water Diverters

4.5 Grey Water Systems

4.6 Down Pipes and Tanks

4.7 Swales

4.8 Vertical Gardens and Wicking Beds

5.1 Fuel Consumption and Electric Cars

5.1.1 Transport Energy Efficiency and CO2

5.2 Bike Safety

5.3 Ride Sharing

5.4 Car Sharing

5.5 Electric Vehicles You Can Own

6.1 Our National Waste Report 2018

6.2 Statistics from the ABC War on Waste

6.3 The Waste Pyramid

6.4 The Buy Nothing Project

6.5 Repair Cafes and Fix It Initiatives

6.6 Zero Waste Festivals

6.7 Community Litter Action

Tom Danby, Moonee Valley Sustainability, 2020