S is for Schools, Seed Libraries, Signage to Support Sharing and the 3 S’s (Soak, Solarise and Submerge weeds!)


Schools When local resident Asha started at a new primary school she noticed that there were some simple changes that could take place to decrease the amount of waste that the school was producing. By engaging in a positive dialogue with the principal, teachers, students and school community, she was able to contribute towards the following: “Here are the changes … Read More

T is for Textiles, Transport and Trees


Transport Walking For many years I worked at Austin Health and lived in Watsonia. Some days I would catch the train to work then after work I’d walk home to get my daily exercise. It took over an hour but I was happy because I didn’t need to pay for gym fees. I really enjoyed watching the gardens as the … Read More

U is for upcycling


Upcycling is about seeing value in something that would usually be destined for composting, recycling, downcycling or landfill. It can be as simple as cutting up a old holey shirt to use as dishwashing/cleaning cloths OR can be as complex as getting out the sewing machine for a home DIY upcycling project. If you don’t personally have the time for … Read More

V is for Volunteering and Video projects


Volunteering From Latin voluntarius “of one’s free will”. Volunteering is a wonderful way to learn new skills, meet friends and to contribute back to the community. We have enjoyed volunteering in the local community gardens, for various Boomerang bag making groups, joining the local ‘friends of’ groups, picking up rubbish at festivals (usually scores you a free ticket!) and at … Read More

W is for Water, Women and Waste


Water I grew up in a rural area along a creek. As a child I remember playing in the crystal clear water, I would go down to the waterhole and drink the most delicious water that I’d ever drunk in my life (just like a kangaroo). It was a dangerous creek, deep and always flowing, ‘permanent water for sure’ they … Read More

X, Y and Z


X is for sex At the heart of treading lightly is the ability to control our population. Indigenous Australians developed complex and sophisticated ways of managing reproduction so that even in times of scarcity there is still enough food for everyone, including local animals. To add to this, in order to ensure that babies being born are healthy and genetically … Read More

What is Cohousing?


Understanding Cohousing Cohousing is a sustainable and affordable approach to living in community. Cohousing communities are intentional communities, with people seeking out a community feel to their home lives. They are created and run by their residents cooperating to create better lives. Each household has a self-contained, private home as well as shared community space. Residents come together to manage their … Read More

Planning Support for Cohousing


Cohousing enables community living through a mix of private and communal spaces and facilities with independent dwellings, and governance that promotes regular resident contact and sharing. This document lists some of the current planning instruments that could be used to support Cohousing. The discussion points to the barriers to the development of Cohousing in Victoria and especially Melbourne. The document … Read More

How to guides


  top Stages: How to start a group How to find a site How to get it built Particitory design Live together   How to start a group Finding others:  dinner parties, community meeting, social media Send out a cohousing survey  Capture data and invite participants to a meeting  Proforma survey questions: Create a project group  Financial capacity  Everyone is … Read More

Reimagine Easter


Reimagine Easter Swap #1 Hot cross buns Things to think about when buying hot cross buns (or any bread): Waste avoidance: Can I use my own reusable cloth bag or ask the person serving you “Would it be ok to put my order in these bags?” Where is my local bakery? #Banyule Micro Bakeries we know of: ⭐️ doughartybaker.com.au Deliver to … Read More