S is for Schools, Seed Libraries, Signage to Support Sharing and the 3 S’s (Soak, Solarise and Submerge weeds!)



When local resident Asha started at a new primary school she noticed that there were some simple changes that could take place to decrease the amount of waste that the school was producing. By engaging in a positive dialogue with the principal, teachers, students and school community, she was able to contribute towards the following:

“Here are the changes that our school has made:

BEFORE: We didn’t have compost We always threw our rubbish in the bin.

AFTER: We recycle ♻️ We use the compost bin, We separate soft plastic or just have nude food, We have a worm farm 🪱, We are also working on the veggie garden and chickens 🐓!” Contribution by Asha

Image: A woman teaching 3 small children in a school garden. There are beautiful ripe red tomatoes and lots of leafy greens.

Seed Libraries

There is a real buzz in the air (the bees are getting excited!) because seed library’s are popping up all over Banyule. They give community members access to free seeds! As part of a Banyule community project to connect people with healthy home grown food. Local resident Rachel has compiled the a map of local seed libraries. To find your nearest library click here.  If you are aware of Banyule seed library not already on the map then please email Rachel: rachel@johnbloem.com

Image description: Photo of the little seed library in the shape of a boat with draws, at Edendale farm. The text at the top of the library reads ‘Home Harvest Seed Library Take Sow Save & Share’.



Sharing and Signage9 to Support Sharing

Many of us are more than happy to share our excess. Signs are a wonderful way to help people to feel comfortable to take excess food/herbs/vegetables plus enriches the community spirit/feel. Have you considered what you are comfortable sharing? There are platforms set up to help you to share larger items like utes/vans/cars. For example “go get” and “car next door”.

Image description: A sign on a front wire fence that reads ‘VEG ON THE VERGE TAKE WHAT YOU NEED’ with hand drawn plants and flowers decorating the sign.


The 3 S’s: Soak, Squash and Solarise

Marina Bistrin’s “What’s in your green bin?” workshops show us how we can compost weeds from our garden rather than putting them in our green bin, using the framework of 3 S’s: Soak/submerge Squash Solarise. Marina offers a variety of workshops in Banyule with a passion for facilitating cold composting workshops. For Workshop bookings, contact: contact Marina Bistrin: marinabistrin@gmail.com