Upskilling 2021

Transition BanyuleCommunity

Our main project for 2021 is a program of training workshops for local sustainability group members, part funded by a Banyule City Council Environment Grant. We are building the capacity of members of sustainability groups in Banyule to become more effective at catalysing change. Thanks to members of our network for making this project happen: Maria, Megan, Robyn, Jo, Heather … Read More

Barkly Village (West Footscray)


Exciting times for Barkly Village to create a rich village hub not a thoroughfare. Projects Underway: Clarke St pop-up park and cycle connection tot he railway track Several parklet earmarked for the local area

2020 Council Election

Transition BanyulePolitics and activism

October is Banyule Council election time and to help you find out what the candidates stand for in the areas of conservation and climate change we sent a questionnaire to all the 52 candidates, with 6 days to reply for inclusion on this website. We received replies from 16 candidates. We are not endorsing any particular candidate but helping to … Read More

Sustainability in the Suburbs 2020: Recharge and Reconnect

Transition BanyuleCommunity, Economy, Energy, Food, Inner transition, Reconnection to nature

A series of online workshops and webinars brought to you by the Transition Banyule Network to support local people to Recharge and Reconnect. During lockdown in Melbourne, we stayed home while coming together via Zoom to have fun celebrating sustainable living. The program included ‘Something for Parents, Something for Kids, Something for Everyone’. Average participant rating across the series: 4.5/5 … Read More

Westside Cohousing

cohousingaustraliaCohousing, Community, Housing

We are a forming Group in Melbourne’s inner west. We are passionate about creating a convivial inclusive community that is environmentally sustainable through built-environment design and by support sustainable lifestyle choices ongoing. Our Vision: To provide a sustainable, resilient and long term model of housing that will foster participation of all members, the local community and beyond. Our Mission: To … Read More

Zero Waste Heidelberg and Rosanna

Transition WarringalWaste and consumption

Our vision of a post-transition future includes “Zero Waste Homes” where we have space to enjoy the good life. Our events — Mending Circles, Decluttering, Green Cleaning, Beeswax Wraps, and Reducing Plastic in Everyday Life — can help you get there one step at a time. Check our Events and Newsletters for zero waste themed activities. Composting takes up space, so … Read More

Compost Everything!

Transition WarringalWaste and consumption

Did you know that nearly half* of all waste produced globally is compostable or biodegradable? Let’s compost everything! Step by step we are working towards our goal of 100% local composting of organic waste. Look out for composting workshops in our Newsletter and Events. Learn to compost kitchen scraps, garden waste, pet poo and more! We encourage everyone to consider registering with ShareWaste. People … Read More

Retrosuburban House & Garden Tours

Transition WarringalBackyard Gardening, Energy, Food, Housing, Waste and consumption

Image in shape of a house with door and windows, all green

Do you want a comfortable home that costs nothing to run? Energy efficiency is key! How about self-reliance in fresh food? It’s easier than you might think. Transition Warringal presents local house and garden tours showcasing energy and water efficient design and retrofits for sustainable living. Over a 2 hour visit, tour participants hear the household’s experience of designing their … Read More

Electric Vehicle Demos

Transition WarringalTransport

At Transition Warringal’s EV Demos, local residents who have made the transition to electric vehicles share their experiences. You will have the chance to test ride electric bikes and go for a ride on the road in privately owned electric cars. Experience the smooth driving and powerful acceleration! Read about the local EV owners who present their vehicles at our … Read More

Potluck with a Purpose

Transition WarringalCommunity

We’re unleashing our community’s collective wisdom! We hold community “Potlucks With a Purpose” where we discuss as a community how to become more resilient and self-reliant. At each event, different activities — a short film, open space discussions, or a mini-workshop — help catalyse more connections, participation and even projects! At a Potluck, everyone brings some food to share and … Read More