Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) Australia

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Are you looking for places which provide for regenerative living practice, live within the carrying capacity of the earth and have a livelihood to support yourself and your family? VISION The Global Ecovillage Network envisions a world of empowered citizens and communities, designing and implementing their own pathways to a regenerative future, and building bridges of hope and international solidarity. MISSION GEN builds bridges between policy-makers, academics, entrepreneurs, activists, and community networks across the globe in order to develop strategies for a global transition to resilient communities and cultures. Through its comprehensive website offering information, tools, examples and global representation, along with its educational offerings and trainings, GEN showcases pathways, solutions, and best practices for people to design their own future. ECOVILLAGE A Community using participatory design processes to integrate the ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions of sustainability into a whole system pathway towards a regenerative future.The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) is a worldwide network supporting the ecovillage and intentional community movement. It includes both traditional villages in developing countries that wish to retain their lifestyles with green technologies and newer intentional and sustainable communities and villages developed in western countries. GEN also embraces movements such as transition towns, co-housing and the permaculture and regenerative movement which have similar philosophies and motivations as GEN. GEN Australia is a branch of GEN Global Ecovillage Network Australia Inc Ass. Representing and supporting regenerative communities around the country. Ecovillages have spent decades researching how to unleash human creativity and solidarity in response to the challenges of our time. From indigenous villages to urban neighborhoods and new intentional communities. GEN’s growing network is showcasing ways of living together that support both people and planet to regenerate |
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The Global Ecovillage Network envisions a world of empowered citizens and communities, designing and implementing their own pathways to a regenerative future, and building bridges of hope and international solidarity. Worldwide and across Australia. |