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Yes No What timezone is your event time listed in?AEDTAESTACSTAWSTAddress Suburb Postcode State / TerritoryACTNSWNTQLDSATASVICWALocal Government Area / MunicipalityAustralia WideACTAdelaide Hills CouncilAdelaide Plains CouncilAlexandrina CouncilAlice Springs Town CouncilAlpine ShireAnangu Pitjantjatjara YankunytjatjaraArarat Rural CityArmidale Regional CouncilAshburton ShireAugusta-Margaret River ShireAurukun ShireBallina ShireBalonne ShireBalranald ShireBanana ShireBarcaldine RegionBarcoo ShireBarossa CouncilBass Coast ShireBathurst RegionBaw Baw ShireBayside CouncilBega Valley ShireBellingen ShireBelyuen Community Government CouncilBenalla Rural CityBerri Barmera CouncilBerrigan ShireBeverley ShireBlackall-Tambo RegionBland ShireBlayney ShireBoddington ShireBogan ShireBorough of QueenscliffeBoulia ShireBourke ShireBoyup Brook ShireBreak O'DayBrewarrina ShireBridgetown-Greenbushes ShireBrightonBrookton ShireBroome ShireBroomehill-Tambellup ShireBruce Rock ShireBulloo ShireBuloke ShireBundaberg RegionBurdekin ShireBurke ShireBurnie CityBurwood CouncilByron ShireCabonne ShireCairns RegionCamden CouncilCampaspe ShireCanterbury-Bankstown CouncilCapel ShireCardinia ShireCarnamah ShireCarnarvon ShireCarpentaria ShireCarrathool ShireCassowary Coast RegionCentral CoastCentral Coast CouncilCentral Darling ShireCentral Goldfields ShireCentral HighlandsCentral Highlands RegionChapman Valley ShireCharters Towers RegionCherbourg Aboriginal ShireChittering ShireChristmas Island ShireCircular HeadCity of AdelaideCity of AlbanyCity of AlburyCity of ArmadaleCity of BallaratCity of BanyuleCity of BaysideCity of BayswaterCity of BelmontCity of BlacktownCity of Blue MountainsCity of BoroondaraCity of BrimbankCity of BrisbaneCity of Broken HillCity of BunburyCity of BurnsideCity of BusseltonCity of CampbelltownCity of CampbelltownCity of Canada BayCity of CanningCity of CaseyCity of CessnockCity of Charles SturtCity of CockburnCity of Coffs HarbourCity of DarebinCity of DarwinCity of FairfieldCity of FrankstonCity of FremantleCity of Glen EiraCity of Gold CoastCity of GosnellsCity of Greater BendigoCity of Greater DandenongCity of Greater GeelongCity of Greater GeraldtonCity of Greater SheppartonCity of GriffithCity of HawkesburyCity of Hobsons BayCity of Holdfast BayCity of HumeCity of IpswichCity of JoondalupCity of Kalgoorlie-BoulderCity of KarrathaCity of KingstonCity of KnoxCity of KwinanaCity of Lake MacquarieCity of LatrobeCity of LismoreCity of LithgowCity of LiverpoolCity of MaitlandCity of MandurahCity of ManninghamCity of MaribyrnongCity of MarionCity of MaroondahCity of MelbourneCity of MeltonCity of MelvilleCity of MitchamCity of MonashCity of Moonee ValleyCity of MorelandCity of Mount GambierCity of Mount IsaCity of NedlandsCity of NewcastleCity of Norwood Payneham and St PetersCity of OnkaparingaCity of OrangeCity of PalmerstonCity of ParramattaCity of PenrithCity of PerthCity of PlayfordCity of Port Adelaide EnfieldCity of Port AugustaCity of Port LincolnCity of Port PhillipCity of ProspectCity of RandwickCity of RockinghamCity of RydeCity of SalisburyCity of ShellharbourCity of ShoalhavenCity of South PerthCity of StirlingCity of StonningtonCity of SubiacoCity of SwanCity of SydneyCity of Tea Tree GullyCity of TownsvilleCity of UnleyCity of Victor HarborCity of VincentCity of Wagga WaggaCity of WannerooCity of WarrnamboolCity of West TorrensCity of WhitehorseCity of WhittleseaCity of WhyallaCity of WilloughbyCity of WodongaCity of WollongongCity of WyndhamCity of YarraClarence CityClarence Valley CouncilCloncurry ShireCobar ShireCocos ShireColac Otway ShireCollie ShireCook ShireCoolamon ShireCoolgardie ShireCoomalie Community Government CouncilCoonamble ShireCoorow ShireCootamundra-Gundagai Regional CouncilCopper Coast CouncilCorangamite ShireCorrigin ShireCowra ShireCranbrook ShireCroydon ShireCuballing ShireCue ShireCumberland CouncilCunderdin ShireDalwallinu ShireDandaragan ShireDardanup ShireDenmark ShireDerby-West Kimberley ShireDerwent ValleyDevonport CityDiamantina ShireDistrict Council of Barunga WestDistrict Council of CedunaDistrict Council of Clare and Gilbert ValleysDistrict Council of CleveDistrict Council of Coober PedyDistrict Council of EllistonDistrict Council of Franklin HarbourDistrict Council of GrantDistrict Council of Karoonda East MurrayDistrict Council of KimbaDistrict Council of Lower Eyre PeninsulaDistrict Council of Loxton WaikerieDistrict Council of Mount BarkerDistrict Council of Mount RemarkableDistrict Council of Orroroo CarrietonDistrict Council of PeterboroughDistrict Council of RobeDistrict Council of Streaky BayDistrict Council of Tumby BayDistrict Council of YankalillaDonnybrook-Balingup ShireDoomadgee Aboriginal ShireDorsetDouglas ShireDowerin ShireDubbo Regional CouncilDumbleyung ShireDundas ShireDungog ShireEast Gippsland ShireEast Pilbara ShireEdward River CouncilEsperance ShireEtheridge ShireEurobodalla ShireExmouth ShireFederal External TerritoryFederation CouncilFlindersFlinders Ranges CouncilFlinders ShireForbes ShireFraser Coast RegionGannawarra ShireGeorge TownGeorges River CouncilGerard Community CouncilGilgandra ShireGingin ShireGladstone RegionGlamorgan Spring BayGlen Innes Severn CouncilGlenelg ShireGlenorchy CityGnowangerup ShireGolden Plains ShireGoomalling ShireGoondiwindi RegionGoulburn Mulwaree CouncilGreater Hume ShireGunnedah ShireGwydir ShireGympie RegionHalls Creek ShireHarvey ShireHay ShireHepburn ShireHilltops CouncilHinchinbrook ShireHindmarsh ShireHobart CityHope Vale Aboriginal ShireHornsby ShireHorsham Rural CityHuon ValleyIndigo ShireInner West CouncilInverell ShireIrwin ShireIsaac RegionJerramungup ShireJunee ShireKalamunda ShireKangaroo Island CouncilKatanning ShireKatherine Town CouncilKellerberrin ShireKempsey ShireKent ShireKentishKing IslandKingboroughKingston District CouncilKojonup ShireKondinin ShireKoorda ShireKowanyama Aboriginal ShireKu-ring-gai CouncilKulin ShireKyogle CouncilLachlan ShireLake Grace ShireLatrobeLaunceston CityLaverton ShireLeeton ShireLeonora ShireLight Regional CouncilLitchfield CouncilLiverpool Plains ShireLivingstone ShireLockhart River Aboriginal ShireLockhart ShireLockyer Valley RegionLoddon ShireLogan CityLongreach RegionLord Howe IslandMacedon Ranges ShireMackay RegionManjimup ShireMansfield ShireMapoon Aboriginal ShireMaralinga TjarutjaMaranoa RegionMareeba ShireMckinlay ShireMeander ValleyMeekatharra ShireMenzies ShireMerredin ShireMid Murray CouncilMid-Coast CouncilMid-Western RegionalMildura Rural CityMingenew ShireMitchell ShireMoira ShireMoora ShireMoorabool ShireMorawa ShireMoree Plains ShireMornington Peninsula ShireMornington ShireMosman CouncilMount Alexander ShireMount Magnet ShireMount Marshall ShireMoyne ShireMukinbudin ShireMundaring ShireMunicipal Council of Roxby DownsMunicipality of Hunter's HillMunicipality of KiamaMunicipality of Lane CoveMunicipality of StrathfieldMunicipality of WoollahraMurchison ShireMurray River CouncilMurray ShireMurrindindi ShireMurrumbidgee CouncilMurweh ShireMuswellbrook ShireNambucca ShireNannup ShireNapranum Aboriginal ShireNaracoorte Lucindale CouncilNarembeen ShireNarrabri ShireNarrandera ShireNarrogin ShireNarromine ShireNepabunna Community CouncilNgaanyatjarraku ShireNillumbik ShireNoosa ShireNorth Burnett RegionNorth Sydney CouncilNortham ShireNorthampton ShireNorthern Areas CouncilNorthern Beaches CouncilNorthern Grampians ShireNorthern MidlandsNorthern Peninsula Area RegionNungarin ShireOberon ShireOutback Communities AuthorityPalm Island Aboriginal ShireParkes ShireParoo ShirePeppermint Grove ShirePerenjori ShirePingelly ShirePlantagenet ShirePormpuraaw Aboriginal ShirePort Macquarie-Hastings CouncilPort Pirie Regional CouncilPort Stephens CouncilPyrenees ShireQuairading ShireQueanbeyan–Palerang Regional CouncilQuilpie ShireRavensthorpe ShireRedland CityRegional Council of GoyderRenmark Paringa CouncilRichmond ShireRichmond Valley CouncilRockhampton RegionRural City of Murray BridgeSandstone ShireScenic Rim RegionSerpentine-Jarrahdale ShireShark Bay ShireSingleton CouncilSnowy Monaro Regional CouncilSnowy Valleys CouncilSomerset RegionSorellSouth Burnett RegionSouth Gippsland ShireSouthern Downs RegionSouthern Grampians ShireSouthern Mallee District CouncilSouthern MidlandsStrathbogie ShireSunshine Coast RegionSurf Coast ShireSutherland ShireSwan Hill Rural CityTablelands RegionTammin ShireTamworth Regional CouncilTasmanTatiara District CouncilTemora ShireTenterfield ShireThe Coorong District CouncilThe Hills ShireThree Springs ShireToodyay ShireToowoomba RegionTorres ShireTorres Strait Island RegionTown of BassendeanTown of CambridgeTown of ClaremontTown of CottesloeTown of East FremantleTown of GawlerTown of Mosman ParkTown of Port HedlandTown of Victoria ParkTown of WalkervilleTowong ShireTrayning ShireTweed ShireUnincorporated Far WestUpper Gascoyne ShireUpper Hunter ShireUpper Lachlan ShireUralla ShireVictoria Plains ShireWagait Shire CouncilWagin ShireWakefield Regional CouncilWalcha ShireWalgett ShireWandering ShireWangaratta Rural CityWaratah-WynyardWaroona ShireWarren ShireWarrumbungle ShireWattle Range CouncilWaverley CouncilWeddin ShireWeipa TownWellington ShireWentworth ShireWest Arthur ShireWest CoastWest TamarWest Wimmera ShireWestern Downs RegionWestonia ShireWhitsunday RegionWickepin ShireWilliams ShireWiluna ShireWingecarribee ShireWinton ShireWollondilly ShireWongan-Ballidu ShireWoodanilling ShireWoorabinda Aboriginal ShireWudinna District CouncilWujal Wujal Aboriginal ShireWyalkatchem ShireWyndham East Kimberley ShireYalata CommunityYalgoo ShireYarra Ranges ShireYarrabah Aboriginal ShireYarriambiack ShireYass Valley CouncilYilgarn ShireYork ShireYorke Peninsula CouncilLatitudePlease enter a number from -44 to -7.LongitudePlease enter a number from 109 to 161. You can use this button to attempt to search for the Latitude and Longitude based on the address information you have inputted. ScheduleMulti-Day Event? No Yes Number of Days*Please enter a number from 1 to 14.Recurring Event?* No Yes - Weekly Yes - Fortnightly Yes - Monthly Recurring DaySelect A DaySundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayRecurring Weeke.g. if your event happens on the first Sunday of the month, select First here and Sunday above.Select A WeekFirstSecondThirdFourthLastStart Date*If it's a recurring event, enter the date of the next time the event happens. YYYY dash MM dash DD Start Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM End Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM End DateIf your recurring event will end after a certain point fill in this field, otherwise leave this field empty. YYYY dash MM dash DD Contact DetailsContact Person* Contact Phone Contact Email* Affiliated Group(s)Any groups with association to the event, comma separate multiple groups. Area of InterestClimate changeCohousingCommunity─ EducationConsumptionEconomyEnergyFood─ Backyard Gardening─ Bush Food─ Community gardens─ Food shopping─ Food swaps─ Regenerative agriculture─ Seed Saving / LibraryHousingInner transition─ Reconnection to natureNatural environment─ Backyard Natives─ LandcarePermaculturePolitics and activism─ Research and DataSustainable Neighbourhoods / StreetsTransition streetsTransportWaste and consumption─ Composting─ Litter─ Recycling─ Repair─ Single use items / Junk mailWaterCAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ