Over a cup of coffee in May 2012, two Glen Forrest friends planted a transition seed that has since flowered and touched places they could not have imagined.
Through the years that followed, Mundaring in Transition (MiT) formed and flourished. We gradually and purposefully expanded from our original mullers’ group into a fully-fledged, committed steering group plus a growing number of related interest groups. We are continually growing through awareness and sharing, and discovering the many facets of personal and local resilience. In turn, we have been rewarded with endless inspiration, fun, and the joy of engaging and sharing with like-minded folk throughout the community and beyond. More recently, we have been delighted to see this engagement expanding to the younger generation in our community.
- Movie night with a bit of food sharing on the side
- Knitting circle at the Festival of Forgotten Skills
- Fruit Squad hard at work racking olives in Mount Helena
We’ve also discovered how a small group of amazing people can generate a huge assortment of fun and worthwhile activities from our monthly Heart and Soul Circle and Food Share, to picking an abundance of seasonal fruit through the Fruit Squad. We’ve shared in local community events such as the Festival of Forgotten Skills, a hugely successful Quiz Night, and three Perth Transition Hub (PTH) annual conferences. We’ve participated in community actions, hosted movies and forums, held stalls, lobbied, done presentations and liaised with many other organisations.

Collaboratively Created Cake at our launch on 12 April 2014
Most of all, we’ve learnt that we are all human and that whilst groups are challenging, they are also necessary and inspiring, and have infinite rewards.
Mundaring in Transition (MiT)