Lithgow Environment Group Inc.

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PO Box 3081
NSW 2790

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About Us
Our mission statement: “Lithgow Environment Group seeks to preserve the balance of nature in our region”. This is especially important given the impacts of the area’s industrial heritage. The Lithgow region contains some of the most bio-diverse bushland. We would like to promote this rich natural heritage, especially given that it has often been under recognized. But we are a transition coal fired powered and coal mining town. We need to plan for the future, we have started the conversation in 2017 -2018 with a Renewable Energy Hub, creating a place for people to come and talk about their ideas, spreading the word. Our group had a 7 point plan and made contact with those conversations relevant to the 7 dot points. Whilst we do not have an office we continue with conversation via our FB/Twitter page and closed FB Renewable Energy Hub page. One such stream of diversification has been with our natural areas with a sustainable economic Eco-Tourism Business Plan – Gardens of Stone Alliance – Lithgow Environment Group, Blue Mountains Conservation Society, Colong Foundation for Wilderness. See also Living Landscapes documentary reducing open cut mining, reducing emissions – link to documentary