Jacksons Creek EcoNetwork

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Contact Information
0419 266 676
About Us
Jacksons Creek EcoNetwork is a network of 12 Landcare and Friends Groups, volunteers who care for the environment along Jacksons Creek and its tributaries, including Riddells Creek, from Keilor, through Sunbury and Riddells Creek, to Mt Macedon, Victoria. JCEN aims to promote the health of Jacksons Creek, its tributaries and its environment by:
- Acting as an advocate on behalf of the Creeks.
- Liaising with the community and public authorities.
- Promoting cooperation among our member groups along the Creeks.
- Actively restoring native vegetation, removing weeds and preserving remnant vegetation.
- Cooperating with Waterwatch to monitor water quality.
- Disseminating promotional, educational and technical information concerning the Creeks.