TOO CLOSE TO HOME: ( Climate Council Report 2024 )

How We Keep Communities Safer From Escalating Climate Impacts

A majority of Australians (84%) say they have been directly affected by at least one climate-impact disaster since 2019, and around 33% think that they may be forced to permanently relocate their homes.

 Both BoM and CSIRO say we are dealing with longer and more dangerous fire seasons, and more extreme downpours, with coastal and island communities facing accelerating sea-level rise.

While these changes impact us all, they are not felt evenly or equally. Location, income, gender, age, health and other factors affect our level of vulnerability.

This Climate Council report summarises the research that delineates how communities are facing consecutive and compounding disasters with little chance to recover in between, the consequences of past inaction over the climate crisis and the failure to cut climate pollution as fast as necessary.

Download or Read the Report Too-Close-to-Home_ELCA-and-Climate-Council-report

Tom Danby, Moonee Valley Sustainability, 2024