These are some of the events we have organised or promoted since 2015.
Transition Banyule
Building resilient, thriving communities in the Banyule area of Melbourne in response to climate change
Transition to a Safe Climate Conference
A big thank you to everyone who took part in this wonderful workshop. Plenty of discussions and heaps of ideas for how Banyule can improve!
Click here to read more about the workshop
Transition to a Safe Climate: creating a new story for Banyule
Emergency action in the face of Climate Change
Friday 4 May 7pm: Think Global: Ian Dunlop, a leading climate change expert and former executive in the oil, gas and coal industries, will set the scene with a keynote presentation – Emergency Action in the face of Climate Change.
Saturday 5 May 9am – 5.30pm: Act local: like to do something concrete with others to tackle climate change? A full day workshop, facilitated by Gilbert Rochecouste of Village Well, to develop big ideas for community projects in Banyule.
There was an art program for school age children to envisage a world they would like to live in, and childcare for under-5s.
Full conference $25, or Fri evening only $15.
This affordable ticket cost included catering.
This was the first local conference on climate change held in Banyule. It brought together a diverse group of residents representing all of Banyule’s suburbs and its varied community groups.
What is ‘Transition?’ ‘Transition’ is a movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world. It is about local people coming together to address the big challenges we face.
Sponsored by Macleod College and Olympic Adult Education. Supported by a Banyule City Council Environmental Sustainability Grant
Interview with Mary Stringer
DADIRRI Deep Listening, living in the future
Special screening of ‘Deep Listening’ the third in a series of documentaries about sustainable living in community. Snacks and drinks available from 6:45 pm (please BYO mug and a plate of food to share). Following the film, there will a shared supper and an opportunity for Q and A.
Entry ticket is $6 per person. No charge for kids under 13.
Saturday 24 June 2017, 6:45 pm – 9:30 pm at
The Harmony Centre, 48 The Mall, Heidelberg West, VIC 3081
download PDF flyer: Cohousing Banyule Deep Listening film screening flyer 2.1
Voices from Detention
Sharing Stories from the book “They Cannot Take the Sky”. The book will be available for sale at the event.
Sunday 25 June 2017, (1.45 for 2pm start) at
St Francis Xavier Church Hall, Montmorency
Guarding the Galilee
Screening of Guarding the Galilee a documentary that will take you inside the fight to stop the Adani coalmine. After the film join ACF campaigner Michael Pulsford who will discuss the impacts that Adani’s Carmichael coal mine would have on water resources, climate and the reef and how we can all take action.
Tuesday 4 July 201 7.00pm – 9.00pm at
Livingstone Community Centre, 1 Livingstone Street, Ivanhoe
$5 donation (optional) – Tea and coffee provided
Transition Convergence 2017 – Share and Inspire
Saturday 29 July 2017 9.30am-4.30pm at
The Hub @ Docklands, 80 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands 3008
Transition Convergence 2016
Share and Inspire!
You are all invited to the Transition Convergence 2016!
An opportunity for Transition Town members to reconnect, make new friends, share stories, news, ideas and plans.
The day’s program will include sessions on:
- sharing our celebrations and challenges
- discussing issues of interest or concern using “open space technology“
- using the permaculture design principles as guides to creating successful projects
- synthesis and next steps activities

Time – 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Location – Multicultural Hub
506 Elizabeth Street – Melbourne (opposite the Victoria Market)
RSVP: Please register here by Friday 15 July
Please bring:
Pictures, maps, stories, from your Transition group for display
News, questions, ideas – what’s worked, what hasn’t, what to celebrate and build on…
Melbourne people – $10 contribution to the cost of the venue and food to share for a potluck lunch; country people – we will feed you!
Billeting: If you are coming from outside Melbourne and need billeting, or if you can offer billeting, please let us know. Contact Mary on 0431 026 723 or We’re looking forward to seeing everyone again.
This event is being organised by members of Transition Darebin, Transition Banyule and Transition Town Maroondah.
How to get there:
The hub is 10 minutes’ walk from Melbourne’s central business district. Walk toward the Queen Victoria Market along Elizabeth Street. The Hub is at the corner of Therry and Elizabeth streets.
Route 57 (West Maribyrnong), Route 59 (Airport West), Route 19 (North Coburg) all travel along Elizabeth street and stop outside the Queen Victoria Market. The Hub is directly opposite this tram stop.
Melbourne Central Train Station is within walking distance.
Metered parking is located on the street and large car parks are available nearby.
Bike parking is available via bike parking hoops in the streets around the Hub.
Freedom Stories
Freedom Stories explores the achievements of former ‘boat people’ who arrived from the Middle East around the watershed year of 2001. Now Australian citizens they are finally building secure lives and contributing to their new country.
Please join in celebrating Refugee Week with this free film screening.
Saturday 25th June 2016, 6.30pm for 7.00pm
At the Harmony Centre, Bell Street Mall, Heidelberg West
Hosted by the Coalition of Grandmothers Against The Detention Of Refugee Children, Diamond Valley Oxfam, Amnesty International – North East metro Group and the Montmorency Asylum Seekers Support Group.
Change Makers
Wednesday 22nd June 2016 6pm-9pm
An energising evening of networking, learning and inspirational knowledge sharing opportunities for people in the environmental movement in Banyule. The fantastic Rohan Anderson, Whole Larder Love,
will be presenting as a guest speaker on the night!
Held at the Streeton Room, The Centre Ivanhoe.
Organised by City of Banyule
Transforming Conflict & Creating Peace
What do you do when you feel annoyed with someone?
In a conflict situation, how do you balance respect for yourself and caring for others?
What is meant by the ‘power we all have to transform ourselves and situations’?
Conflict is a part of everyday life … violence doesn’t have to be.
Be inspired and reinvigorated as you practise empathising with others and transforming conflict in an experiential workshop, facilitated by volunteers.
Location: Banyule Community Health Centre.
A two-day workshop 9.00am – 5.00pm both days
Cost: $50 full, $15 concession, some part scholarships are available.
Places are limited, please book ASAP.
For further information and bookings please contact Mary Stringer 9455 2581
or text 0431 026 723 or
A joint project of Transition Banyule and AVP (Alternatives to Violence Project)
Global Capitalism and Climate Change: The need for a new world system
Murundaka Cohousing meeting room, 42 Bamfield Rd, Heidelberg Heights

Our presenter is Melbourne University’s Associate Professor Hans Baer.
Hans has written extensively on the anthropology, sociology and politics of climate change, and speaks regularly to groups about ways to redesign our social systems so that we can successfully face the challenges of climate change
No Dig Garden Bed Workshop
A chance to revolutionise your garden!
The No Dig garden principle is a wonderful way to install a garden bed anywhere — even on hard soil or on top of couch grass (we’ve proved it!)
Garden members free, non-members $5
When: Sunday 15 May 2016, 11.30am-1.00pm
Where: St John’s Riverside Community Garden
Next to tennis courts at St Johns Anglican Church, 1 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg
We need coffee grounds for the workshop- if you can pick some up from cafes, or bring some on the day that would be REALLY helpful.
Film: Frame by Frame
Sat 21 May 2016 6.30pm for 7pm start
at Montmorency Uniting Church cnr Rattray & Mountainview Roads, Montmorency
Guest speaker: Kobra Moradi who is studying law and international relations at La Trobe University.
This colourful and powerful documentary is set in modern Afghanistan and follows four Afghan photo journalists as they navigate a dangerous media landscape – reframing Afghanistan for the world and for themselves.
See and
Organised by Sophie and Lisa with the support or the Montmorency Asylum Seeker Support Group. Inquiries call Sophie: 0422989035 or Lisa: 0467801579
Transition Streets 2016
Several new Transition Streets groups are now forming.
The Transition Streets program gets groups of neighbours together for seven meetings for two hours each time to chat about sustainability topics. Each household gets a free copy of the Transition Streets manual containing chapters on water, energy, food, transport and waste.
Group hosts and locations:
- Maralyn in Heidelberg (East)
- Andrew in Greensborough
- Stella in Watsonia
- Alan in Lower Plenty
- Tess in Eaglemont, starting in July
- Kirsten in Rosanna (East), starting in July
- Robin in Macleod, (started already)
- Penny in Rosanna (started already)
Speaking of Sustainability: a new voice for sustainability in Banyule
Tuesday 17 May 2016 7.30 – 9.30pm at St Pius X Primary School, 419 Waterdale Road, Heidelberg West.
Organised by Andrew, Miriam and Sophie (from our city council’s Community Leaders in Sustainability course).
This event is the inaugural meeting of a sustainability focused public speaking club in the Banyule area. This will be a great opportunity for those who are interested to come and find out what it’s all about.
They have a couple of fantastic speakers lined up and some skilled evaluators demonstrating how to provide good feedback. They will also lead some speaking games to get the vocal chords warmed up and encourage impromptu participation!
A gold coin donation will help to cover the hire cost of the hall as well as provide tea and coffee on the night. Please bring a mug from home to avoid using disposable cups.
Decluttering: The 10Rs Workshop
Rethink, Responsible, Refuse, Repurpose, Reorganise, Repair, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Reward!
If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of things cluttering your home, then the Declutter and Reduce Waste 10Rs workshop is for you.
Many people collect so much ‘stuff’, that they become overwhelmed to the point they can’t function, or they simply can’t find things and have to buy more.
Over the course of the workshop you will learn to regain control over clutter and reorganise your home and life.
Friday 24 June 2016, 6.30pm
IDV Hall, 88 McNamara St Macleod
Gold coin donation appreciated.
Transforming Conflict: The Basic Course
Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 May
9.00am – 5.00pm
Banyule Community Health Centre
This two day workshop will develop your self-esteem, interpersonal communication skills and sense of community. Participants from the 2015 workshop say that it was well worth the commitment of an entire weekend!
Cost: $50 full / $15 concession, with some part scholarships available
Bookings essential:
0431 026 723 or 9455 2581
A joint project of Transition Banyule and AVP (Alternative to Violence Project).
Sustainable Macleod Big Vegie Swap and Fundraising Auction
Big Vegie Swap 11.00 am
Green and Local Auction 12.00 noon
Saturday 21 November
Location: The rotunda opposite the Macleod shops in Aberdeen Street
(For GPS – in the park opposite the newsagent at 62 Aberdeen Street)
Silent Auction will start at 11 am at the same time as the Big Vegie Swap and end at 12.15 pm.
Live Auction will start at 12.15 pm, comprising about 30 items or vouchers.
A wide range of goods and services from $30 – $600!
Thanks to the Macleod Village Traders!
Transition Streets Celebration
A reminder to book here: Join us for a fun evening celebrating the first year of the Transition Streets initiative in Banyule. You are welcome whether you are in one of the 11 current Transition Streets groups, or interested in joining a group in 2016, or just curious. Optional: Bring some finger food to share, labelled with a full ingredients list. |
Decluttering Workshop
Declutter and Reduce Waste — the 10 Rs
“Tanya Lewis from EcoOrganiser and home styling shows us that being organised doesn’t have to cost the earth! Participants are encouraged to think outside the square and take an environmentally friendly approach to decluttering.” —
Tuesday 13 October 2015, 6.30-8.30pm. Refreshments for earlybirds from 6.00pm.
IDV Hall, 88 McNamara St Macleod 3085. The venue is right near Macleod train station, so please consider travelling to the event by train (or bicycle).
More information: