Some useful resources relevant to the Transition Town Vincent (TTV) My Healthy Soils Project including program logic, guidelines, papers, and videos.
Guideline Planting fruit trees with biochar and compost
Guidelines – Operation of the Top Lit Updraft TLUD Biochar Oven V2
Biochar Workshop Flyer NPCG v2
Biochar for Community Gardens Booklet August 2024
Other projects
Biochar for sustainable soils (B4SS)
Francis, J. (2013) Re-imagining our Cities as Carbon Sinks
Antti Kinnunen et al (2022) Carbon sequestration and storage potential of urban residential environment – A review
Mari Ariluoma et al (2024) Optimizing the co-benefits of biodiversity and carbon sinks in urban residential yards
Joseph et al. (2022) How biochar works, and when it doesn’t: A review of mechanisms controlling soil and plant responses to biochar
Other publications
Joseph, S. and Taylor, P. (2024) A farmer’s guide to the production, use and application of biochar
Jeff Cox (2019) Gardening with Biochar – Supercharge your soil with bioactivated charcoal. Storey Publishing.
The Secret of El Dorado (Horizon 2002) Discovery of Terra Preta – short version
The Secret Of Eldorado – TERRA PRETA (includes Agrichar documentary)
Agrichar documentary only (10 minutes)
The Biochar for Sustainable Soils (B4SS) Project
Mayors Challenge – Stockholm Biochar Project
Mattias Gustafsson on the Stockholm Biochar project
Björn Embrén | “Porosity With Stone Biochar and Compost” | FVPK
An Artist, A scientist and a Farmer Walk Into a Bar series and is called Falling in Love with Carbon:
Rob Hopkins and Staffan Lindberg about biochar and the environment
Workshop: Biochar for Community Gardens, 17th August 2024
My Healthy Soils Information Products
Making Biochar with the Top Lit Up-draft Biochar Oven
Making Biochar in the Weber Family Q
Information resources for specific topics
Stormwater management
Biochar and stormwater management video prepared by International Biochar Initiative (IBI)