Community Food Forest

Ian KininmonthClimate change, Composting, Economy, Permaculture, Waste and consumption, Water

Resources relevant to the planning, planting, monitoring and maintenance of the Transition Town Vincent Community Food Forest.


1. Project Inception Report – TTV Community Food Forest – July 2023

2. Progress Report – Using biochar and compost in the City of Vincent Community Food Forest- January 2024

3. Guideline Planting fruit trees with biochar and compost

Photo album


Transition Town Vincent signing the lease for the food forest site with the City of Vincent

Transition Town Vincent signing the lease for the food forest site with the City of Vincent

TTV celebrating the signing of the lease

TTV celebrating the signing of the lease

TTV community food forest planters in June 2023

TTV community food forest planters in June 2023

transition town vincent community food forest planting

Community food forest planting day June 2023

Planting trees with a mixture of biochar and FOGO compost

Planting trees with a mixture of biochar and FOGO compost

TTV food forest community planting day July 2023

TTV food forest community planting day July 2023

Biochar and FOGO compost were used in the plantings

Biochar and FOGO compost were used in the plantings to improve water holding capacity and provide nutrients

Planting trees with a mixture of biochar, FOGO compost and worm juice

Planting trees with a mixture of biochar, FOGO compost and worm juice

Monitoring growth rates of plants in the community food forest November 2023

Growth rates of plants in the community food forest at November 2023

Food forest planting day July 2023

Visit by Professor Stephen Joseph to discuss biochar with the Mayor, Alison Xamon and chair of TTV, Meagan Mayhills.

Visit by PermacultureWest to the food forest in May 2024

Maintenance day June 2024

Food forest plant growth rates March 2024

Food forest plant growth rates at March 2024 (original plantings were June and July 2023)