This page is intended to provide a compendium of biochar related research related to themes being pursued through the My Healthy Soils Project. As such it is limited in its scope. Please scroll down the page as required. This page will be updated as time allows. Last update 6/12/2024.
Joseph et al. (2022) How biochar works, and when it doesn’t: A review of mechanisms controlling soil and plant responses to biochar
Joseph, S. and Taylor, P. (2024) A farmer’s guide to the production, use and application of biochar
- Fransson, A. et al (2020) The Biochar Handbook for Users
- Robb, S. & Joseph, S. (2020) A Report on the Value of Biochar and Wood Vinegar – Golf Courses
- Embren, B. (2016) Planting urban trees with biochar
- Dubbo Regional Council (NSW)
- Joseph et al. (2018) Preliminary investigation of the potential of biochar permeable reactive barrier to provide medium to long-term remediation of salt affected soils
- Larsen, J. et al. (2024) Organic amendments improved soil properties and native plants’ performance in an Australian degraded land
- Wrobel-Tobiszewska, A., Boersma, M., Adams, P., Singh, B., Franks, S. and Sargison, J. (2016) Biochar for Eucalyptus forestry plantations
- Major, J. (2010) Guidelines on Practical Aspects of Biochar Application to Field Soil in Various Soil Management Systems
- AECOM Pty Ltd (2019) A Review of the Benefits of Biochar and Proposed Trials
- Thomas, S. and Gale, N. (2015) Biochar and forest restoration: a review and meta-analysis of tree growth responses
- Thomas, S. (2021) Post-processing of biochars to enhance plant growth responses: a review and meta-analysis.
- Dumroese, R, Heiskanen, J, Englund, K & Tervahauta, A. (2011) Pelleted biochar: Chemical and physical properties show potential use as a substrate in container nurseries
- Mickan, B. et al (2022) Closing the circle for urban food waste anaerobic digestion: The use of digestate and biochar on plant growth in potting soil
- Kochanek, J. (2015) Final Report. Closing the Green City Loop – Green Organics for Urban Green Environments
- Kochanek, J. (2014) Novel, Sustainable and Profitable Horticultural Management Systems: Soil Amendments and Carbon Sequestration
Stormwater & drainage
- Minnesota Stormwater Manual – Biochar and applications in stormwater management
- Chen, Y. et al. (2022) Application of biochar as an innovative soil ameliorant in bioretention system for stormwater treatment: A review of performance and its influencing factors
- Joseph et al. (2018) Preliminary investigation of the potential of biochar permeable reactive barrier to provide medium to long-term remediation of salt affected soils
- Charles Hegberg (2021) Catching rain where it falls – Rebuilding Soil to Rewater and Cool our Communities (Youtube presentation)
- USBI Scaling up Biochar – Scaling Up Biochar Applications for Accelerated Stormwater Runoff Reduction in the Chesapeake Bay