Plastic Wise Benalla is encouraging community action and promoting discussion about the use of plastics in the local area. In particular they are making attractive reusable bags out of donated fabrics.
The Plastic Wise Benalla initiative, which is led by the Benalla Sustainable Future Group (BSFG) has been hard at work upcycling donated fabric into attractive reusable bags.
A team of committed volunteers has been meeting regularly at the Benalla Drill Hall cutting fabric, sewing bags. Others have undertaken to sew the bags in their homes. Bags are being sold for $5 each at One Wild Apple, Blooms on Bridge, Leading Edge Books, Samaria Farm and the BSFG Bulk Food Co-op.

Volunteers making reusable bags stop single use plastic bags in Benalla
The bags have made great Christmas presents and could be used instead of wrapping paper.
This is a great local initiative to create awareness around the consumption of single-use plastic bags in Benalla.
Read more on Plastic and the Plastic Wise Benalla action group at