Food Swaps

Transition Darebin

Food Swap

Darebin now has 4 food swaps on the go.  Here are the variety of swaps you can choose from  (and you can go to more than one if you want!):

Name Date and Time Location
Northcote Food Swap 2nd Saturday of the month, 11 to 12 noon 251 High St Northcote in the side garden of the church (beside the Environment Shop)
Reservoir Food Swap 3rd Saturday of the month, 10 to 11 am The pop up park on the corner of Broadway and Cheddar Road, Reservoir
Fairfield Food Swap 3rd Saturday of the month, 11 to 12 noon The corner of Gillies and Duncan Sts, Fairfield (in the side garden facing Duncan St)
Preston/Thornbury Food Swap 4th Saturday of the month, 11 to 12 noon The corner of High St and Pender St, Thornbury.

At the swaps a group of people meet regularly to swap veggies, fruit, herbs, eggs, seeds, seedlings and homemade produce such as chutneys, jams and soap.  You bring something and get to take something away, as with all good swaps.

Fruit Squad

Food swaps are a great way to swap excess food, meet local folks, talk about gardening and sustainability, and just generally get some hints, information and a little food. Find us on Darebin Urban Harvesters and Transition Darebin Facebook pages plus the Transition Darebin website.

Ideas of what to bring:

  • seeds from your garden
  • seedlings
  • fruit
  • vegetables
  • herbs
  • preserves
  • cordials
  • sour dough starter

Any leftovers are given to people who are on low incomes or organisations who provide for people on low incomes, eg Lentil as Anything in Preston.

We look forward to seeing you at a local Transition Darebin swap soon!