Transition Kingston

Learn More
Mentone Railway Station
VIC 3194

Contact Information
About Us
Transition Kingston is part of a worldwide grassroots movement which focuses on positive actions to create a more sustainable and resilient local community.
Some of the projects our members have been involved in are Transition Streets Program, a local food summit run in conjunction with City of Kingston, a community garden project, backyard sharing, responding to City of Kingston strategies on climate change and urban cooling, an energy group advocating for solar installation in council buildings, film nights and a Facebook page.
Our objectives are to
- provide support to members (and others) in undertaking a personal transition to a sustainable future
- build a local community of people who share our aims and objectives
- connect and collaborate with and support like-minded groups
- develop local projects which respond to the challenges of climate change
Anyone who shares in our vision to create a more sustainable local community is encouraged to contact us via email. Our group meets monthly in the evening at members homes and guests are welcomed.
Transition Kingston Spring 2022
Transition Kingston February 2022
Transition Kingston October 2021
Transition Kingston February 2021
Transition Kingston October 2020