About Us
Transition Break O’Day (TransBOD) welcomes all interested in skills sharing & learning, food growing, seed saving, sustainable living, making, baking, preserving, and sharing delicious food sourced within 100 nautical miles of the lovely venues which host our 100 Mile Dinners. Activities also include Harvest Picnics, visits to sustainable homes and properties, wildflower and nature walks, film afternoons, presentations and workshops.
Our Transition Group is learning as we go. We’re in the process of discovery. We’re in the process of writing our own unique local Transition story…guided by others’ experience, and free to be innovative and creative. Transition is an organic and evolving process. Transition Break O’Day (TransBOD) is about coming together, making new contacts and new friends … it’s about celebrating where we live, learning to live more sustainably, caring for the natural environment, creating the communities we’d like to live in …and, above all, it’s about having fun!!
TransBOD draws inspiration from Rob Hopkins:
“A push towards clean air, sunshine, beauty, rediscovering each other; community and celebration. This is a key shift in our perception. The difference between change that feels like being torn away from something and change that feels like moving towards something is huge. This is the approach Transition takes. It suggests that the collective intentional transition could lead us to a far better place than where we are today. Who’s to say that the world we see today is the best we could ever do?”
(Ref: ‘The Transition Companion – Making Your Community More Resilient in Uncertain Times’. Rob Hopkins, co-founder, Transition, Pub: Green Books, 2011, p39