Sustainable Watsonia

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47 Lambourn Rd.
VIC 3087

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About Us
Sustainable Watsonia is a new project of Watsonia Neighbourhood House, demonstrating that Watsonia Neighbourhood House is committed to providing opportunity for community members to join together to build a more sustainable and resilient community. Sustainable Watsonia is registered with the Transition Towns network.
The aim of Sustainable Watsonia is to work with community members to reduce our environmental footprint and enhance community contentedness.
The mission of the neighbourhood house is to build an inviting and creative environment where community needs are addressed, life skills developed and well being and harmony fostered.
The Neighbourhood House has been delivering environmentally sustainable initiatives to the community since joining the Greener Houses Growing Greener Neighbourhoods’ project in 2009. In this project the house was retro fitted to demonstrate the principles and operation of low energy and low water use design features, technologies and appliance use in family homes.