Kyneton Transition Hub

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(03) 5422 3023
About Us
In the words of David Holmgren “…Transition Towns are formed to creatively and proactively design our own destiny, we can build ways of living that are more connected, more enriching and that recognize the biological limits of our world.” Kyneton Transition Hub (KTH) is part of this exciting movement.
The annual Kyneton Agriculture Show in November 2017 is one of our biggest events of the year. The Kyneton Transition Hub (KTH) stall promotes sustainable ways of growing edible plants such as wicking beds, mini hot houses, making biochar, compost tea and promoting permaculture. Free veggie seedlings are given away for the Treasure Hunt Show bag. Boomerang Bags were on display and tables provided to allow children (and adults) to decorate the bags to take home for free. Over 120 Boomerang Bags were decorated and opened up conversations about the importance of getting rid of ‘single use’ plastic bags. Preparation for this day involves making 200 Boomerang bags by Sandra and her group of volunteers. And Christine grew three hundred veggie seedlings ready for the ‘give aways’.
Farmer’s Market: Other activities include participation in the Kyneton Farmers Market – each 2nd Saturday of the month where we run a produce swap and information stall. It always opens up great conversations about growing veggies, climate change and… anything really.
Boomerang Bags: We began this project early last year and up to 1,800 bags have been made and we now have a dedicated group of young women who run the many working bees and organize the sewing etc. Materials are generously donated by the four Op shops in town. Through the production of these bags we have met many in the community who have been so willing to give their time and hard work in putting the kits together, distributing the bags and sewing them up. We have had amazing support from the public, other community groups, Op shops, Men’s Shed, schools, kindergartens, Aged Care Homes and other Boomerang Bag groups. The Kyneton Neighborhood House continues to support and help us with providing a place to store and distribute kits. Such a positive response has shown how much people are aware of the impact that plastic bags have on the environment and want to do something about it. We aim to make Kyneton plastic bag free. We are winning!
Events: We attend events such as the Macedon Ranges Sustainable Living Festival at beginning of March each year and we are often invited to attend other events. The Boomerang Bags group are asked to attend many events such as the recent Family Fun Day which raised funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital.
The KTH Open Edible Garden Day is held in early September each year where about 8 gardeners open their edible gardens to the public. Visitors always enjoy the day finding out what others do and feel encouraged and energized to get into their gardens.
Coffee mornings at Kaddies Café in Kyneton are held every Friday commencing 10.30am. This gives us a presence in the town and allows casual or more formal interactions. We often have council officers and others drop in for a chat.
Community Garden: KTH runs the Community Garden situated at the Kyneton Secondary College. The land was once a basketball court and now has many wicking beds growing great veggies, fruit trees, chickens, hot house and garden shed. An edible forest is being planned. Students sometimes come in to pet the chickens and learn about growing vegetables etc. A garden work day is held every Tuesday at 9.30am where everyone is welcome to come along to help and look around.
Other activities include: Future Forums with speakers, Gardening Gatherings where members are helped with a garden project by other members.
Lots more information is at our website or our facebook page.