KickstART NETwork

Learn More
12 St Johns Avenue
New Town,
TAS 7008

About Us
KickstART Network is a contemporary supportive platform that enables a hive of networked entrepreneurial creative and cultural enterprises, and an incubator that ignites arts and cultural projects for culture-led regeneration. Our mission is to spark and support creativity, awareness, connection, entrepreneurship and continuous learning in the Tasmanian community to promote health and wellbeing, by providing venues suitable for community arts and cultural productions and services that enable community cultural production.
KickstART Network engages in activities that embrace and support the following values:
● Health and Wellbeing is a human right and can be improved when there is
better social equity and more cohesive communities.
● Respect for diversity – honouring all cultures, and encouraging the active
participation of people from the wide variety of cultural groups now living in
● Social Inclusion – furthering community understanding and appreciation for
health promoting education, social and arts and cultural activities that are
accessible to all, no matter what their abilities or life circumstances.
● Compassion and kindness – fostering programs that increase the prevalence of kindness and compassion in our society.
● Curiosity, Intelligence and wisdom – supporting lifelong learning, a spirit of enquiry and the sharing of ideas and knowledge.
● Creativity, Innovation and Courage – encouraging creative problem solving,innovation and the courage to pursue positive social change towards a healthier society.
● Interconnectedness – recognising that all life on Earth is interconnected and
depends on the sustainable and responsible management of our natural
● Positivity, playfulness & fun – encouraging health and wellbeing through
promoting positive thinking and experiences and creative engagement with