image of Films for Action website. Watch Videos, Share, Take Action

One of the foundational concepts of the transition movement is the power of envisioning a sustainable, localised and just society in our own neighbourhood, and then engaging with others to  take the first steps towards that vision.

Here is a resource that can help us on that path – a wonderful group based in Kansas USA who founded Films for Action in 2006 – incidentally the same year that the Transition Towns movement was founded in Totnes, Devon, UK

Films for Action state their mission is to empower citizens with the knowledge and perspectives essential to creating a more compassionate, just, regenerative, and democratic society.

That is totally in line with the aims of Transition Australia.

Over the last 15 years Films for Action say they’ve curated over 1,000 free documentaries and 4,000 short films, plus over 150 pay-per-view documentaries, spanning 34 topics related to changing the world.

So let’s make use of this wonderful resource wherever we can.

I love these categories in particular:

  • Localization – the Solution to Globalization and Destructive, Infinite-Growth Economics
  • Thich Nhat Hanh: One of Our Greatest Inspirations and Mentors
  • Planet Local: A Short Film Series about the Beautiful Alternatives to Industrial Agriculture
  • Permaculture
  • Transition

One of the films in this amazing library is the film 2040 directed by Damon Gameau, Australian TV and film actor concerned about the planet his young daughter would inherit.

Read more about the philosophy of Films for Action here  including this wonderful quote:

Fortunately, visions of a more beautiful, compassionate, regenerative future already exist. But since they’re not being broadcast daily on the evening news, we’ve got to dedicate a little more energy towards broadcasting them ourselves. This is what this list of films is for.

If you do watch one of these films and wish to write of your experience – maybe viewing it in a group, leading to some kind of action, or just adding to the collective sense of hope, we invite you to share your thoughts with us. We are here to gather stories and connect people with each other.

If you know of a similar resource based in Australia please let us know, and we’ll promote it on this Transition Australia website.


Mary Stringer

Website editor team

April 2022