Transform your yard or courtyard into a carbon sink!


Sunday 16th of March 2025 3:00 pm

Transition Town Vincent’s My Healthy Soils Project aims to empower local residents to transform their yards and courtyards to capture carbon into the soil to support healthy plant growth and to create a cooler, healthier and more sustainable environment. We focus on supporting the addition of locally available organics (e.g. biochar, compost, worm castings/juice and microbes) to improve the carbon, nutrients and water holding capacity of your soil. Read more… 

After a year of getting ready we are about to start the project in earnest.  This will commence with a workshop on  Sunday 16th March 3-6pm at the Floreat Athena clubrooms where we will:

  • Introduce the basic principles for transforming your yard or courtyard into a carbon sink.

  • Find out from experts and local residents how they are doing it.

  • Identify your objectives and resourcing requirements.

  • Outline a process for supporting you in achieving your objectives

    Case study – Effect of adding biochar, FOGO compost and microbes to sand to grow native plants in Perth

To the left is one case study where one of our members – Katie – planted natives in planter boxes treated with FOGO compost, biochar and roo poo juice (yes, you read correct!) in October and three months later voila! Most plants had doubled in height while the acacias had more than tripled in height and are already attracting birds!! She also de-paved the courtyard and covered the sand with water saving FOGO compost and then planted it with lawn. Katie’s next healthy soil project is to transform her paved front yard into a pocket forest!

We will have a line up of speakers including Professor Lyn Abbott who has dedicated her career to World leading research, education and communication associated with soil health and specifically, soil biology. We used one of her innovations, permeable biomass barriers and wells, in the food forest with good effect.
 Dr Grey Coupland will talk to us about pocket forests and how you can develop one of these in your yard or courtyard with just 5 square metres of land. Local residents will also have the chance to sign up for a Forest in A Box!
We will also hear from a number of local residents who are implementing healthy soil projects in their yards and courtyards.  We will then find out from you what you need to support you in your journey to transform your yard or courtyard into a carbon sink. Sign up below.

Sunday 16th of March 2025
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Floreat Athena Clubrooms, 41 Britannia Road, Mount Hawthorn (entrance opposite Kalgoorlie Street)
Leederville, WA 6007

Ian Kininmonth

Event/Ticketing Links

Affiliated Groups
Transition Town Vincent

Areas of Interest
