Stories of Transition
Monday 8th of April 2024 8:00 pm (AEST)
We invite you to join us for another Stories of Transition online talk. This year we are looking at a number of themes central to the Transition movement, in helping us to transition towards a more localised, socially just and ecologically regenerative future.
In the April session of Stories of Transition we are exploring community land use as we hear from Anita Roy and Helen Gillingham of Transition Town Wellington in Somerset, England and Jacqui Besgrove from Pocket City Farm in Camperdown, Sydney.
Transition Town Wellington have helped to spearhead a number of community gardens and orchards in their town including Fox’s Field, an 8.5 acre green space that was formerly part of a textile mill in danger of being sold off for development before Transition Town Wellington asked the local Council to purchase the land for a forest garden, wild meadows and natural wetlands.
Pocket City Farms began operating in 2016 in partnership with the local council and RSL club to redevelop the former Camperdown Bowling Club. The urban farm runs educational programs, workshops, weekly produce boxes and helps to train new professional market gardeners where they hope the idea of urban farming spreads.
Monday 8th of April 2024
8:00 pm to 9:15 pm (AEST)
Paul Shelton
Event/Ticketing Links
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