Seniors in Cohousing – Webchat with Katie McCamant
Thursday 30th of September 2021 12:00 pm (AEST)
Cohousing Australia and Co-operation Housing, Western Australia are please to invite you to this special event.
Senior Cohousing is an innovative solution to meet the unique needs of an aging population. Cohousing aims to address the largest obstacles to aging gracefully; including isolating environments that instil loneliness and fear, and over-sterilized, impersonal environments of nursing homes and elderly care facilities. Aging in community allows for a boost in interaction among seniors and offers an important safety net of social inclusion and purpose.
During this webchat Katie McCamant, from Cohousing Solutions, will share examples and stories of senior cohousing communities. We guarantee, you’ll be inspired!
About Katie McCamant – Katie has successfully guided a number of senior cohousing projects from the initial brainstorming phase through construction. She brings the depth and diversity of her 30+ years of experience as an architect, developer, and cohousing resident to her clients. She is co-author of Cohousing: A Contemporary Approach to Housing Ourselves, the authoritative book which introduced cohousing to the English speaking world. Katie co-founded McCamant & Durrett Architects with Charles Durrett in 1987. She has designed and developed dozens of communities in the United States and Canada; today, she is the sole owner CoHousing Solutions, a development consulting firm that works with cohousing groups and developers. She now lives at Nevada City Cohousing in the Sierra Foothills.
The organisers – The event is a joint initiative by Co-operation Housing and Cohousing Australia.
Thursday 30th of September 2021
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (AEST)
Event/Ticketing Links
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