Inner Transition – Diving Into Diversity (Zoom Workshop)
Thursday 2nd of July 2020 7:00 pm
Diving into Diversity – Enriching Group Life and Connecting with Others ‘from the inside’
We are urged to value it, seek it, to welcome it. But what is Diversity? Why is it important? And why is it often hard ‘to do’? Above all, why is it essential?
I invite you to explore a radical proposition – that everyone is interesting and worth getting to know! We can’t live full lives without interacting with people from a range of backgrounds and conditions in life. This is the basis for political inclusiveness, social harmony, thriving communities, and individual connectedness.
This requires skill, a welcoming attitude and some understanding of what lies below the surface of the people we meet.
At this event, we will ponder these and other points in an interactive way.
Since ‘stories are the shortest distance between two people’ …. you will be given the space to be heard. And you will go away with tools to think about and approach people different from yourself.
Kit Shepherd has been with Transition Bondi’s Steering Group for 10 years and is currently the convenor. Her roles include facilitator, volunteer co-ordinator, programming and organising events. She instigated TB’s Inner Transition program (a monthly ‘heart’ event) 4 years ago to offer a space for reflection, sharing on a deep level, and building resilience in individuals and groups. Kit spent her professional life in Adult Education, in the areas of interpersonal communication, creative expression and peer learning for adults. Giving people the space to be heard and honouring the power of careful, attentive listening are central to her work.
Tickets $7
Maximum of 8 people
Zoom link will be available on registering with Trybooking.
We look forward to seeing you!
Thursday 2nd of July 2020
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
NSW 2026
Kit Shepherd
Event/Ticketing Links
Affiliated Groups
Transition Bondi
Areas of Interest