From Thought to Action – A workshop on Strategic Questioning
Thursday 3rd of September 2020 7:00 pm (AEST)
From Thought to Action – a workshop on Strategic Questioning by Mary Stringer of Transition Australia
Do you like to think about how to bring social change through conversations?
Strategic Questioning is a method created by Fran Peavey – social change activist, and comedian – in the 1970s to help us do just that!
“There are ways to listen that help move individuals and groups from passivity and cynicism to action” – Fran Peavey in Heart Politics Revisited.
Questioning in a sequenced way, from focusing through visioning, contemplating change and then articulating pathways for action we can effect a shift in our thinking and help us to move on an issue.
Come to a workshop on Thursday 3rd of September 7-9pm to learn and practice in this method.
Mary Stringer
Mary Stringer is a founding member of Transition Australia, is a trained facilitator in Joanna Macy’s “Work that Reconnects” and has been a follower of Fran Peavey’s work since 1995. Joanna Macy and Fran Peavey were close friends and collaborators from the 1970’s until Fran Peavey’s death in 2010.
Ticket $7
Zoom link will be available on registering with Trybooking.
We look forward to seeing you!
Thursday 3rd of September 2020
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (AEST)
Kit Shepherd
Affiliated Groups
Transition Bondi, Transition Australia
Areas of Interest