Electrify Everything Webinar with Saul Griffith
Friday 29th of July 2022 12:00 pm (AEST)
Join Saul Griffith during this online Local Government Solution Exchange where we will figure out how the suburbs are going to save the world.
Electrifying our cars and our homes is the concrete action Australians can make this decade that will save us money and save our kids’ future. Australia has the opportunity to lead the world on decarbonization, savings and delivering an equitable electrification revolution. We need to be designing the policy environment that enables this future outcome immediately. The role of Local Governments is vital.
Open to all who are interested, particularly Local Government elected members, staff or practitioners and active community members.
When: Friday 29 July at 12 to 1.30pm AEST
Where: Virtual Meeting via Zoom: https://bit.ly/3bpdyU4
Host: Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes of Newcastle, Chair of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy Oceania
Speaker: Saul Griffith, Rewiring Australia
Format: This is not your standard webinar. Bring your energy and ideas to figure out how to electrify our communities. Saul will give us the rundown on why this needs to happen, we will work together to dream and design the how.
About Saul Griffith: Born in Australia, Saul is an author, inventor and entrepreneur. Saul has a Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and degrees from UNSW and University of Sydney. His past two industrial jobs were in a steel mill and an Aluminum smelter. Saul has founded numerous technology companies based in San Francisco in Renewable Energy and Robotics. Saul has been the principal investigator on over $65 million dollars in DOD and DOE research projects. In 2007 Saul was awarded a Macarthur Fellowship, the so-called ‘Genius Grant’, for inventions in the service of humanity. Rewiring Australia was launched in 2021, founded by Dr. Saul Griffith. It is supported by an optimistic group of non-partisan Australians to collectively illustrate the positive climate and economic outcomes possible for Australia, and the world, with the electrification of fossil fuel machines.
Register here https://bit.ly/3bpdyU4
Hosts: ICLEI Oceania – Local Governments for Sustainability with the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
Supporters: Better Futures Australia, Climate Emergency Australia, Cities Power Partnership, Melbourne Centre for Cities, UN Habitat
Friday 29th of July 2022
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (AEST)
ICLEI Oceania secretariat
Event/Ticketing Links
Affiliated Groups
Better Futures Australia, Climate Emergency Australia, Cities Power Partnership, Melbourne Centre for Cities, UN Habitat
Areas of Interest