Barbara Magalhães Teixeira: “Building peaceful and sustainable societies – an impossible utopia?”
Wednesday 9th of March 2022 8:00 pm (AEDT)
Abstract: What would a completely peaceful and sustainable global society look like? Under the current global economic system, the intensification of resource extraction and dependency on fossil fuels and rare earth minerals are not only violent towards the environment but also towards the people. The extraction of fossil fuels and valuable minerals and gems are connected to the onset, occurrence, intensity and duration of armed conflict is well established. More recently, the advance of climate change and ecological breakdown have also been shown to pose various implications that could lead to violence and armed conflict in a scenario of scarcity and climate variability. In this context, how can we think about building peace? Building on feminist and decolonial approaches to liberating both people and the environment, the aim of this talk is to discuss how dismantling extractive structures and negating structural violence, like poverty, inequality, or environmental injustice needs to be at the heart of movements working towards peaceful and sustainable societies. I invite you all to discuss the idealistic or utopian critique of organizing or working towards building alternative worlds, and to creatively discuss the role of scientists in imagining sustainable and peaceful futures.
Speaker: Barbara Magalhães Teixeira is a PhD Candidate in Peace and Conflict Studies at the Department of Political Science, at Lund University, Sweden. Her research looks at the relationship between the environment and peace, and focuses on the possibilities of building sustainable and peaceful society. It touches on issues such as extractive industries, economic growth and development, land reform and redistribution, peace processes and negotiations. Besides her academic work, Barbara is also interested in critical pedagogy methods and the role of researchers and academia in questions of environmental and social justice and on building peace.
Wednesday 9th of March 2022
8:00 pm to 9:30 pm (AEDT)
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Scientist Rebellion
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