Black Cockatoo Forest Restoration
Last year TTV and its members were both shocked and inspired by two presentations which have motivated us to act and establish a Black Cockatoo forest. The showing of the documentary Black Cockatoo Crisis highlighted the plight of Black Cockatoo’s across south western Australia and in particular the ongoing loss of habitat and associated tree…
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Community Circularity Precinct
The concept for a community circularity precinct and community biochar research hub is designed to build on the existing strengths and opportunities which exist in the area to address relevant local issues using a circularity approach. Circularity principles include: Eliminate waste and pollution. Circulate products and materials. Regenerate nature. A fourth principle is to keep…
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The Potting Shed
The TTV’s Potting Shed is located conveniently next to the Tools n Things Library and has been established to support the activities of the My Healthy Soils project and the nearby Community Food Forest. It is a place where you can make and get organic resources for creating soil as well as a place to…
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Biochar trials
TTV has generously received a donation of biochar from Fasera Char for use in our My Healthy Soils project. As part of the project we are offering a free use of biochar for your garden, pot trials or other urban applications. To get some free biochar let us know how you would use biochar by…
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My Healthy Soil Project
Vision Transition Town Vincent’s My Healthy Soils Project aims to empower local residents to transform their yards and courtyards to capture carbon into the soil to support plant growth to create a cooler, healthier and more sustainable environment. We focus on supporting the addition of locally sourced organics (e.g. biochar, compost, worm castings/juice and microbes)…
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Britannia Community Food Forest
The Britannia Reserve community food forest is a community managed space containing mainly fruit trees with general plans to expand planting beds to contain a mixture of bush tucker species, other fruit and vegetables. In addition to growing fresh fruit and vegetables for the community, the space is intended as a hub for community outreach…
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