Get Involved

We aim to empower people in our community  with knowledge, skills and resources so they can make a difference.  This may be through participation in activities, volunteering, initiating and leading projects or donating.


You may simply want to be kept up to date with events e.g. movie nights or products e.g. no junk mail stickers. You can do this by liking our Facebook page or subscribing to our newsletter.


We have various projects on the go which you may want to become involved with. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and to keep healthy. We are always looking for people to help out whether on a casual or more regular basis. Some projects you may be interested in:

  • Movie nights
  • Tools n Things Library
  • Food Forest
  • My Healthy Soils

Initiate and lead a project

TTV are always ready to help support you if you want to initiate a project or even re-invigorate an old project. We can help by connecting you with various resources (e.g. networks, volunteers, funding) and knowledge of what works and doesn’t work.


Perhaps you just like our vibe and want to donate to a specific project or just generally. Whether it’s something for the Tools n Things Library or a new fruit tree for the Food Forest contact us and let us know.

Contact us