How Feasible is a New Generation of Housing Co-operatives in Australia?
In this study we investigate whether it is feasible today for a non-subsidised co-operative model of housing to deliver affordable and secure tenure housing for moderate income workers. A segment of our society who are increasingly priced out of ownership throughout great swathes of urban and regional Australia. With a particular focus on “missing middle”…
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Unlocking the doors: legal and financial pathways to resident-led housing
This guide is for people wanting to set up collaborative housing in Australia. It is based on research and consultation with resident groups and experts in the field. Download the guide now. We hope the guide becomes used by groups like a workbook that you use and test thoroughly. We want it to be a…
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What is Cohousing?
Understanding Cohousing Cohousing is a sustainable and affordable approach to living in community. Cohousing communities are intentional communities, with people seeking out a community feel to their home lives. They are created and run by their residents cooperating to create better lives. Each household has a self-contained, private home as well as shared community space. Residents…
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Planning Support for Cohousing
Cohousing enables community living through a mix of private and communal spaces and facilities with independent dwellings, and governance that promotes regular resident contact and sharing. This document lists some of the current planning instruments that could be used to support Cohousing. The discussion points to the barriers to the development of Cohousing in Victoria…
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How to guides
top Stages: How to start a group How to find a site How to get it built Particitory design Live together How to start a group Finding others: dinner parties, community meeting, social media Send out a cohousing survey Capture data and invite participants to a meeting Proforma survey questions: Create a project…
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Bunya Round One New Generation Co-operative Housing to support Cohousing Development Unlocking the doors Unlocking the doors: legal and financial pathways to resident-led housing. Other useful pages: CoHousing Australia has contributed to content on the Collaborative Housing website:
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This page contains past webinar records on various topics that aims to help communities and stakeholders grasp the root of Cohousing. Schedule of future Webinar will also be updated regularly. June 2021 NENA Housing Week in partnership with Co-Housing Australia NENA Housing Week featured two professional session in the area of Cohousing, discussing…
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Starting up with Cohousing can be puzzling for the new members, The following FAQs provides answers to most commonly asked questions in setting up a Cohousing community: Q1. I want to start or find a group Search the community profiles for groups forming or existing in your area Host a dinner party…
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