Our vision

A relocalised and resilient Darebin that is liveable for current and future generations.

Our mission

To catalyse our community’s response to climate change – hence, a transition towards a relocalised and resilient Darebin.

We are about helping the Darebin community to prepare for and respond to climate change.  Our group acts through practical solutions focusing on food, waste, and energy. We have some projects underway around food, transport, and re-skilling Darebin for a future without cheap energy and fuel.

On Friday 9th October 2009, Transition Darebin became incorporated at a public launch and accepted our constitution.

Our projects

You can see what’s going on in TD land by checking out our existing projects along the sidebar.

Our members

Transition Darebin focuses on doing things in Darebin; as a result, our main volunteers and supporters (mostly) live in Darebin. A small number of us started things rolling (the ‘Initiating Group’), and the rest keep it going. So if you live, work, or have a close connection with Darebin, consider getting involved by contacting us.